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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Books I've Read This Month July 2017

Welcome my fellow book lovers to my blog! Now is when I list the books that I have been enjoying the past month. If you have any books recommendations, please let me know below. This month I mainly focused on the PLL series and books from my recent book haul.

1. Stunning by Sara Shepard 
2. Burned  by Sara Shepard 
3. Crushed  by Sara Shepard 
These are the eleventh through thirteenth books in the Pretty Little Liars series. I now only have three more left in the series! I actually prefer the books over the TV series. They honestly make more sense- if you watched PLL, who know what I mean.

4. Little Bee by Chris Cleave
This is a book where you don't get the entire story from the get-go. You get little pieces as you go and it switches points of view. The back of the book even warns to not tell people what happens because of how the story unfolds. I don't want to give anything away, but I can tell you that it' definitely worth the read!

5. After Alice by Gregory MaGuire
This is the same author from the Wicked series and for some reason, I didn't realize he had written this book as well. I love how this tells the story from a different point of view. It follows Alice's friend, Ada, who also falls down the rabbit hole and searches for Alice. If you like Alice in Wonderland, you'll love this book!

6. Becoming Queen Victoria by Kate Williams
I love historical fiction and I've never really read anything about Queen Victoria. This starts out with the story of Charlotte, who was originally meant to be queen. I can tell that the author did her research by how detailed the book is. I also like that you get the full story so you can understand why Victoria becoming queen was significant.

50 Book Challenge Total: 29

Please don't forget to check out my YouTube channel and subscribe!

Past Books I Read This Month:
June 2017
February/March 2017
January 2017
December 2016

1 comment:

  1. I love Gregory MaGuire, I have yet to read After Alice though. That will be next on my list. I recently discovered

    I just finished Call Me Zelda, historical fiction about Zelda Fitzgerald, Scott F. Fitzgerald's wife. This morning I started on Fallen Beauty.
